Writing as Practice: Peripheral Continuity
Publisher: Secretary Press
PubDate: 9/1/2012
ISBN: 9780988321403
Price: $20.00
Pages: 128
Foreword by Nayland Blake. Contributors include: Pradeep Dalal, Moyra Davey, David Deitcher, Andrea Geyer, Zoe Leonard, Carlos Motta, Ethan Swan, Lynne Tillman, and Anne Turyn. WRITING AS PRACTICE: PERIPHERAL CONTINUITY is a collection of edited transcripts and afterthoughts from a symposium of the same name on writing and imagery. The event brought together writers, visual artists and curators who investigate the role of the written word in their respective artistic practices. The conversations were about the decentering of linguistics within artistic practices focusing on narrative writing and image making as a convergence and/or partnership.